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News: Cessna Recieves Provisional Type Certificate For Longitude

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  1. Provisional Type Certificate For Cessna Citation Longitude
    Textron Aviation company Cessna has some Christmas news to enjoy. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted a Provisional Type Certificate for their new Citation Longitude. This will allow Cessna to start Longitude deliveries early in 2019. However, because it is not a full Type Certificate there are limitations associated with the Provisional Type Certificate for Cessna.
  2. Maintenance on the electrical wiring systems is now limited to only Textron Aviation. The aircraft cannot operate high altitude airports for the time being as well and cannot be operated under RVSM conditions. The fuel tank flammability situation has been addressed as this has been the center piece of concerns from the FAA. The near 27-million dollar super midsize jet is currently Cessna's largest offering and is pitted against many executive jets from competitors such as Bombardier, Dassault, Gulfstream and Embraer. "From an unmatched cabin experience to its commanding performance, the Citation Longitude truly sets a new standard for the business aviation industry," said Ron Draper, president and CEO, Textron Aviation. "Our focus remains on equipping our customers with this revolutionary aircraft, and achieving this milestone is a pivotal step as we complete the final phase of the program."

    For more information:

    Cessna Aircraft Company
    1 Cessna Blvd.
    Wichita, KS 67215

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