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News: Maeve Aerospace Offers M80 Hybrid-Electric Aircraft

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  1. M80 Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Unveiled By Maeve Aerospace
    Earlier this year JF published an article on a Dutch startup that is seeking to bring a hybrid-electric aircraft to market in the late 2020s or early 2030s. That company called Maeve Aerospace is back in the news again with a new offering. Instead of the 8-propeller model they were initially putting forth, there is now a more conventional 2-engine setup for an 80-seat hybrid-electric turboprop sized aircraft offering jet-like performance and turboprop efficiency.
  2. The Maeve M80 is the name of that new aircraft promising an 800 nautical mile range. Martin Nuesseler, CTO of Maeve Aerospace, commented: "To my knowledge, there are currently no alternatives in development that are equally sustainable, cost effective, and match the operational needs of airlines and airports. If there are, I would applaud them, because we need more of these realistic solutions to become sustainable".
  3. For the relatively new start-up this will be a task for them to execute but they have a plan in place. To realize this, Maeve has a robust integrated product development plan in place towards Entry-In-Service in 2031, based on the experience and lessons learned from several aircraft programs as well as their industrial ramp-up. The unique aircraft performance is the result of an aerodynamically optimized clean sheet design and integrated new hybrid propulsion technology. The benefit of taking advantage of an altitude optimized thermal process in combination with electric hybridization offers the significant energy reduction of the M80.

    For more information:

    Maeve Aerospace
    Molengraaffsingel 12, 2629 JD Delft,

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