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Eclipse and Kestrel Join Forces To Form One AVIATION

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  1. Eclipse and Kestrel Combine To Form One AVIATION
    Something major has happened in the light jet and general aviation sector recently. Maker of the Eclipse 550 Eclipse Aviation and Kestrel Aircraft have come together to form one large company called 'One AVIATION'. The announcement was made to the world at the opening of AERO Friedrichshafen that took place in Germany April 15-18. It appears that Alan Klapmeier, who is more known for heading Cirrus in the right direction, will become the head of the newly formed One AVIATION. Each company has a special aircraft that defined them.
  2. For example, Eclipse has the Eclipse 500 and the more recent Eclipse 550 while Kestrel has been busy working on the development of the much talked about Kestrel K350 single turboprop. Klapmeier said that one of his first tasks under the new company is going to be upping the production rate on the top-of-the-line Eclipse 550 which only averaged around one aircraft per month back in 2014. Combined, the two companies will surely be able to pack a bigger punch under one umbrella rather than as separate entities.

    For more information:

    Eclipse Aerospace
    2503 Clark Carr Loop SE
    Albuquerque, NM 87106

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