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News: Embraer Introduces Praetor 500; 600 Models

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  1. Embraer Unveils Praetor 500; 600 Models
    Two new models were unveiled today by Brazilian airframer Embraer. At a company event held in Orlando, the airframer introduced the new Praetor 500 and Praetor 600. The aircraft are built off the recent Legacy 450 and 500 models and essentially will take the place of them as they will be the flagship of the midsize and supermidsize sectors in Embraer's lineup. Of course Embraer will still manufacture the Legacy 450 and 500 once there are buyers around.
  2. The Praetor 500 and 600 are expected to hit the market with customers in 2019 but you will be able to see both at the upcoming NBAA-BACE which starts from October 16th. How these brand new models could be on show already at an airshow? The Praetor line is a modified version of the Legacy 500 and 450 so it is just a matter of improving upon what already exists. The name Praetor was chosen because of the leadership qualities of the word Praetorian. "The Praetors are aircraft certainly in keeping with their name, leading the way in redefining the characteristics of what a midsize and super-midsize aircraft deliver to the market. The introduction of these aircraft support our vision of fascinating our customers and providing them with superior value and the best experience in the industry", said Michael Amalfitano, President & CEO, Embraer Executive Jets.
  3. On the Praetor 600 you will find new winglets, more fuel capacity and more powerful Honeywell HTF7500E powerplants. Additionally the new "Bossa Nova" interior will feature on the new jets. The winglets of the Praetor 500/600 are both taller and canted out at a farther angle than what we see on the present. Legacy 450 and 500 models. Each will add 25 inches of length to both the left and right wing for a total of 50 inches increase in wingspan in comparison and around 22 inches in height of the wingtip. Fuel capacity increases 12,108 pounds to 13,058 pounds for the Praetor 500 and for the 600 this increases to 15,986 pounds with extra tanks.

    For more information:

    Embraer Brasileira
    de Aeronautica S.A.
    Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2170
    São Paulo, São José dos Campos
    12227-901 Brazil

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