If you've ever flown in, how shall we call it, rustic terrain; there is a certain gleem in the eye of the pilot. Some of the guys I flew with in South America were a little wild. One is an old friend, I even dated his daughter, but I'll never, ever get in a plane with him again. Here is a Blog I've been enjoying recently. http://indopilot.blogspot.com/search/label/Papua
Aye mate, been there done that: Flew bush in Alaska over a 3 year period. Interesting and challenging flying for sure. Learned a lot and lost friends, room mates and collegues in various crashes. Now that I know a lot more about flying (and safety) I would not have balls to ga back and do it. (Hig risk flying and some it wihtout and insurance as no company would endorse it) The monetary rewards for flying on the edge was not there but being young and high on adrenaline, like a teenager on a fast motorbike, one enjoyed it..
I've done Bush flying in Baja California and in Africa, but it doesn't really compare to Papua! If this one guy in Peru ever gets his act together I may go down yonder and do some Bush flying for him. It would be fun to go back to doing that for a little while. DD
How about this version of being your own bush pilot! I know about him but it's just amazing...and one wrong move could end it all...for him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eTKKTHwRFzY
Plenty fast is good enough for a human! Thing is he has such precision and relative control over his movements.
Even the bush Pilot's planes don't be this dirty. I can just imagine how the exterior of this plane looked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGGduq-xb88
This could perhaps be filed in this thread... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mEN_mwn_NaM#! and in Nepal...once you commit you better commit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzRclzRG8uU
Yup, been there, done that: Landed frequently on sandbars and riverbanks in Alaska. Usually with tail draggers, sometimes even with DC-3s. Crazy days.
hi guys I guess you know where I have been it was cold and rained every day and we landed on the water the first time I saw the pavement was when we took off in the other plane from Sitka last week travler
Yup, been there, done that. In fact I grew up in Norway, then emigrated to Alaska, been surrounded by cold and rain all my life.
There was a crash in the wooded areas of Papua New Guinea (PNG) off a make-shift unregistered airstrip. The aircraft involved was a Cessna C402C that was laden with Cocaine bound for Australia. The aircraft was flown by an Australian man who was a former flight instructor in Australia. The aircraft was just too heavy to take off and make the trip and ended up crashing. The plane was carrying 57.2 million dollars worth of drugs. What is amazing is that the pilot was able to escaped injury from the crashed aircraft. The pilot is identified as David Cutmore, a 51 year old man from Australia. Bush pilot gone wrong? Photo by: DENI TOKUNAI/ROYAL PAPUA NEW GUINEA CONSTABULARY