First Production Pilatus PC-24 Wing And Fuselage Joined The first customer-bound Pilatus PC-24 executive jet in production is now standing on its own legs according to Pilatus. The wings were recently joined to the fuselage marking a pivotal point in the production process for the first jet. The joining happened on the 12th of July at the company's head office facilities. This operation, referred to as a "marriage", requires the highest degree of concentration from the Pilatus builders. The process of attaching the wings to the fuselage demands accuracy to within a hundredth of a millimeter. Not to mention that the connection has to be solid enough to last for a "business jet lifetime". This extremely important stage sees our technicians join the 16.8-meter fuselage to the wings, spanning 17 -meters. The "marriage" is followed by the cabin installation and commissioning and testing of the aircraft systems.
PlaneSense is the launch customer for the Pilatus PC-24 and its CEO flew all the way to Switzerland to see the wing and fuselage joining. The aircraft is already in PlaneSense livery. “We are excited to witness the fuselage-wing mating of the first production PC-24. We are proud to see the PC-24 sporting the PlaneSense® colors, being the culmination of years of preparation. Its large cabin and exceptionally versatile performance are features greatly anticipated by our fractional owners. Additionally, its revolutionary design and manufacturing pedigree will set it apart in day to day operations, allowing PlaneSense® to further exceed our commitment to operational excellence and superior service”, said George Antoniadis, President and CEO of PlaneSense. For more information: Pilatus Aircraft Ltd Corporate Communications P.O. Box 992 6371 Stans, Switzerland ***