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Is the Large Cabin Business Jet Sector Dwindling?

Discussion in 'Jet Aviation Discussion' started by Jet News, May 7, 2015.

  1. Jet News

    Jet News JF News Editor Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2012
    Bombardier just announced that they are going to be cutting production on their Global 5000 and 6000 models to reflect the softening and weakening demands. They also are not offering a concrete timeline for the entry-into-service for the Global 7000 and 8000 anymore. Sign of the times or just something from Bombardier's end?
  2. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    A lot of competition in the market, not just comparable-class offerings, but Global's actually face internal competition as well, i.e. Learjet, Challenger. Not to mention the refurbished jet market.
  3. Jet News

    Jet News JF News Editor Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2012
    I would more agree with the Challenger series especially the larger models giving the Globals a bit of internal competition. Side note... why doesn't the Gulfstream large-cabin market not look to be so 'soft' especially refering to the G650/ER here. They have a pretty long back log and continual orders.
  4. Jet News

    Jet News JF News Editor Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2012
    @JetForums Since the start of this thread alot of things have changed. Bombardier has certificated the Bombardier Global 7500 (formerly Global 7000), introduced the Global 6500 and 5500...basically replacements of the Global 6000 and 5000 and is trying hard to get the Global 8000 project rolling...interms of new offerings from this airframer. Natural and organic competition from other existing models in their lineup like for many other large cabin makers tend to eat into potential market share of other new models or vice versa.
  5. Jet News

    Jet News JF News Editor Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2012
    And again...revisiting this thread...things have changed even more. Gulfstream has added the G700 and G800 to the lineup ...Dassault's 10X has been added as well. I guess then the industry was going through a bit of a phase that was more specific to Bombardier too at the time.