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JetForums Celebrates Seven Years!

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  1. JetForums Celebrates Seven Years!

    Launched on July 11, 2012 as synergistic site to, our aviation counterpart has officially spooled up and lifted off. JetForums started as a sub-forum for yacht owners to discuss private jets but evolved into a stand-alone, sister-site to YachtForums. For owners, pilots and enthusiasts who enjoy a little oxygen deprived squawk, we built a community just for you!
  2. Seven years of uploading daily news features and scouring sources for related content, JetForums reached cruising altitude in the summer of 2019 with over 250,000 readers a month and 2 million monthly page views! A dozen of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers recognize the value of a dedicated, social media community and maintain a perimeter presence on JetForums.
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