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JetForums Rules, Directions & Guidelines...

Discussion in 'Corporate & Private Pilots' started by JetForums, May 12, 2012.

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  1. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Welcome to JetForums!

    By registering, you'll be updated with occasional e-mails on the latest news, products and events. Because we upload news daily, you will often get this information long before you read it in a magazine. A quick note on your e-mail address... rest assured... it only resides on our server. It will never become public domain, never sold to marketers and never used for promotion!

  2. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    We Have A ZERO-TOLERANCE Policy On Solicitation or Promotional Posts...

    Commercial or promotional posts are prohibited,
    including solicitation of our members or conducting surveys.
    JetForums is a website dedicated to owners, buyers and enthusiasts. If you are a manufacturer or supplier and would like to maintain presence on JetForums, please contact the site administrator. If you solicit our members, for any product or service, you will be banned instantly.

    Carl (at) JetForums (dot) net​

    Commercial signatures and hyperlinks are NOT allowed in posts or on your signature line. This also includes images. If you actively participate in the forums, sharing knowledge and information, an occasional reference to your work *when applicable*... is acceptable. Otherwise, it's SPAM. Any posts not meeting this criteria will be deleted without notice and your membership will be removed as well.

  3. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Do NOT Post Your E-Mail Address or Phone Number In The Forums...!

    JetForums has been highly optimized to attract web-crawlers and automated bots. Some are good... and some are bad. The latter of these two harvest e-mail addresses and phone number to sell them to marketers. The result? Your inbox is filled with SPAM or your phone rings during dinner with an automated voice trying to sell you something.

  4. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Rules Regarding Links & Images...

    1. Links: PLEASE be careful about the links you post on JetForums. While we encourage links that are relevant, educational, informative or just 'plane' fun, remember that other sites can benefit by a link from JetForums... especially other forums or magazines that are similar in nature. Signatures or posts not meeting this criteria will be deleted. If you alter the same after the fact, your membership will be removed as well.

    2. Images: PLEASE be careful about the source of the images you post. If there is ANY question, DON'T post it! Duplicating, hyper-linking or posting images without the consent of the owner, may be a violation of copyright.

    3. Hot-Linking Images: We don't allow it. Period.

  5. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Forum Conduct...

    Slanderous, manipulative, negative, vulgar or obscene posts containing morally indecent or questionable content will not be tolerated and is subject to removal along with your membership. Subjects, posts or threads that are generally considered to be in poor taste are also subject to deletion.

    And please... use Proper Forum Etiquette. If you don't understand this, it's a new-found term for a old concept called being polite.

  6. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Grammar & Punctuation...

    This is a professionally moderated website. Spammers are deleted instantly, abuse is not tolerated and we try to keep banter at bay. Equally important… please take the time to post legible, punctual content. Your posts are a reflection on the people that inhabit this forum.

  7. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Guidelines on Avatars...

    In order to maintain a professional format at JetForums, we've established a few guidelines regarding avatars and we would appreciate your cooperation...

    1. Flash or animated avatars are prohibited.
    2. Avatars can be no larger than 100 pixels wide.
    3. Avatars should be aviation related!
    4. Signatures are to be kept brief.
    5. Commercial URL's in signatures are strictly prohibited.
    6. Cartoons, faces, bikini girls, etc... are not appropriate.

    Avatars not meeting the above requirements will be removed.

  8. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Uploading Pictures...

    Images MUST be 640 pixels wide or less, in .jpg format.

    The standard image size on JetForums is 640 pixels wide. This is so our viewers with low-res, small monitors don't have to scroll sideways. If you are going to upload a picture(s) to JetForums, PLEASE use a photo editing program to reduce the image to 640 pixels wide.

    Uploading pictures...

    You will notice the words "Manage Attachments" on the bottom left side of a "New Post" of "Post Reply" window. Click on this link and a new window will open. Click on the "Browse" button and a window will pop up that will allow you to navigate to where the file (or picture) is located on your hard drive. Once you find the file, double-click on it and it will be placed in the "Upload File Box". Then... click "Upload" on the right side of this box. After the file uploads, click "Close This Window". Now click on the "Submit Reply " button at the bottom of the screen and you are done!

    To include an image 'between' text, simply upload the image in the "Manage Attachments" window as usual. After the upload is complete, place your curser in the body of the text where you want the image to appear, then click the "paper-clip" icon above the subject header field. This will drop down a small window. Click the file that you want and it will place the file with
  9. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Navigating Jetforums...

    To Register: Click on the "register" button, located directly beneath the JetForums banner on the top of the home page. This will take you through a couple of simple steps with some brief questions. By taking a moment to expand a little on your interests & occupation, it helps to give a little "personality" to the community. You are now free to participate in threads and have discussions with others in the community. Feel free to ask questions, share information and respond to others.

    To enter a discussion group: Move your curser over the desired subject, such as "Jet Aviation Discussion". You will notice the color of the text changes. This means you can click on it to enter that particular forum.

    If you are reading a thread and would like to respond, simply click the "Post Reply" button and new window will pop-up that will allow you to respond. Once you have finished typing your response, click the "Submit Reply" button at the bottom of the page and your post will be uploaded. You will now be taken to a window, within that thread, that shows your response.

    If you would like to create a new thread (not responding to someone elses questions or answers), click on the "New Thread" button and repeat the steps above. When finished, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page and ... voila! You've just created a new thread.

  10. JetForums

    JetForums Publisher/Admin

    Apr 28, 2012
    Odds & Ends...

    1. You have a search feature available on the brushed metal NavBar, located on the JF header. PLEASE USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION BEFORE POSTING NEW THREADS.

    2. Notice there may be multiple pages to a thread. Look for the word "pages", followed by the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc, located toward the bottom of the last post on a page. Click on the double-arrow (>>) to go to the next page, or just click on the page number you want to go to.

    3. Notice the "right" arrows located on the right side of a forum. This will take you to the very last post to be made on this subject. It's just a shortcut.

    4. You can also choose to subscribe to threads, so that you are notified by e-mail when someone replies to the thread. This will be automatic if you have created or replied to a thread, but you can choose to do this even if you have not participated in a thread. You can also choose to disable this feature. Simply click on the "USER CP" located on the NavBar at the top of the page and you can adjust your personal settings.

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