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News: Cirrus SF-50 With Garmin Autoland Attains Brazilian Approval

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  1. Brazilian Certification For Garmin Autoland On Cirrus SF-50
    A few years after operations commenced with the Garmin Autoland technology following FAA certification in 2020 and EASA certification in 2021, the safety system has now been given the nod by the Brazilian authorities (ANAC) for operations of the SF-50 Vision Jet with the Safe Return Autoland system by Garmin. News broke on April 11th, 2023 and now allows SF-50 Vision Jets that were previously delivered with the safety feature but had it deactivated pending approval by Brazilian authorities to engage the system for use if needed in an emergency.
  2. "Receiving ANAC certification for the Vision Jet’s Safe Return is a tremendous milestone for our Brazilian owners and operators," said Zean Nielsen, CEO of Cirrus Aircraft. "We are excited to continue offering this award-winning safety technology throughout the world." New SF-50 Vision Jet deliveries will now ship to Brazil with the system activated as is normal elsewhere. The SF-50 also has the added safety feature called CAPS (Cirrus Airframe Parachute System). The Garmin Autoland safety technology is also available on several other aircraft other than the Cirrus SF-50 Vision Jet. You can find it installed on the Piper M600/SLS HALO where it debuted first, and Daher products like the TBM 940 and 960. To date, The Autoland system has not been utilized on any aircraft where it has been installed and activated for use.

    For more information:

    Cirrus Design Corporation
    4515 Taylor Circle
    Duluth, MN 55811

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