SF50 Vision Jet Crashes Near Orlando A Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet crashed (via its CAPS Parachute) near Orlando a few days ago on Friday, Sept 9th in the afternoon . The aircraft went down in a heavily wooded and marshy area. The jet was found in an area of marsh with approximately 2-feet deep water. Three persons onboard were sent to the hospital with one of them, a woman, sustaining non-life threatening injuries.
The Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet has been identified as N77VJ and this incident marks the first time the CAPS device has been utilized on an SF50. The CAPS device is also used on Cirrus' SR piston line. The aircraft left Miami and was on its way to Kissimmee Gateway Airport when it encountered issues which are not clear-cut at this time. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are investigating the incident. For more information: Cirrus Design Corporation 4515 Taylor Circle Duluth, MN 55811 www.cirrusaircraft.com ***