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News: Dassault Falcon Unveils Falcon 10X

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  1. Falcon 10X Unveiled By Dassault Falcon
    Competition in the long-haul and large-cabin segment is heating up once again. Bombardier was first out of the blocks with the next generation of long-haul aircraft, the Global 7500. Gulfstream followed with the G700 which is currently in development. Now the French have stepped into the ring to contest the top of the competition. JF knew that Dassault Falcon was working on a new Falcon to come after the 6X but there was no idea what direction the French airframer was going to go in with the new model. The Falcon 10X is that new model and we have all the information you need to know about it. Featuring a range of 7,500 nautical miles, the Falcon 10X will fly nonstop from New York to Shanghai, Los Angeles to Sydney, Hong Kong to New York or Paris to Santiago. Top speed will be Mach 0.925 which pits it squarely in direct competition with the G700 and Global 7500.
  2. This is a clean-sheet design in the sense that it is not a simple stretch of the 7X design. It will be using a new fuselage with extra-large windows—nearly 50 percent larger than those on the Falcon 8X-. The fuselage will be home to a whopping thirty-eight (38) windows. There is no other purpose-built business jet with that many windows. Dassault suggests it will offer the brightest cabin in business aviation with the wealth of natural light. The 10X will also have a pretty large cabin taking width and height into consideration. The 10X will have a cabin cross section larger than some regional jets. Its cabin will be 6-feet, 8-inches (2.03 m) tall and 9 feet, 1 inch wide (2.77 m). That will make it almost 8 inches (20 cm) wider and 2 inches (5 cm) taller than the widest and tallest purpose-built business jet flying today.
  3. Dassault claims the 10X will have the biggest and most comfortable cabin on the market and offer greater modularity than any other aircraft in its class, with a selection of multiple interior configurations. The 10X is large enough to accommodate four cabin zones of equal length but owners can configure their cabin to create a truly customized interior, including for example, an expanded dining/conference area, a dedicated entertainment area with a large-screen monitor, a private stateroom with a queen-size bed or an enlarged master suite with a private stand-up shower. Not only will the cabin of the aircraft be more configurable for individual taste, the comfort level inside the cabin will be among the best on the market with cabin pressurization down to the equivalent of 3,000 ft altitude .
  4. Falcons are already known for their well-designed wings and the Falcon 10X will take this knowledge even further with the high-speed wing. They will be made of carbon fiber composites for maximum strength, reduced weight and minimum drag. Tailored for speed and efficiency, the very-high aspect ratio wing will be equipped with advanced, retractable high-lift devices offering superior maneuverability at low approach speeds.
  5. A new Falcon deserves new powerplants too. The twin-engine aircraft will be powered by business aviation’s most advanced and efficient engine, the in-development Rolls Royce Pearl® 10X. The 10X is the latest, largest and most powerful version of the Pearl series, delivering more than 18,000 pounds of thrust. Performance will be part of the DNA of this new Falcon 10X.
  6. The Falcon 10X’s flight deck will set a new standard in intuitive design, with touch screens throughout the cockpit. A next-generation Digital Flight Control System, derived directly from Dassault’s latest military technology, will provide an unprecedented level of flying precision and protection, including a revolutionary, new single-button recovery mode. A single smart throttle will serve as the primary power control, connecting both engines to the Digital Flight Control System which will automatically manage the power of each engine as needed in different flight scenarios. Thanks to Dassault’s breakthrough FalconEye® combined vision system—the first to offer both enhanced and synthetic vision capabilities—combined with dual HUDs able to serve as primary flight displays, the 10X will be capable of operating in essentially zero ceiling/visibility conditions. Dassault Falcon is targeting the end of 2025 for the Falcon 10X to enter service.

    For more information:

    Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation
    Teterboro Airport
    200 Riser Road
    Little Ferry, NJ 07643

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