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News: First Cessna Citation Longitude Takes To The Skies

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  1. First Cessna Citation Longitude Takes To The Skies
    Textron Aviation subsidiary Cessna has celebrated the first flight of their new Citation Longitude model. The successful first flight now kicks off the testing towards certification in earnest for the Wichita-based airframer. The first flight of the Longitude comes less than a year after the model was introduced to the world. It also showcases the investment and commitment by Textron and Cessna in larger and longer range executive jets.
  2. “Today’s successful first flight of the Citation Longitude was performed exactly as we anticipated,” said Scott Ernest, president and CEO, Textron Aviation. “Our product development process is second to none and allowed us to move smoothly from unveiling the Longitude last November, to the first flight of the prototype in just 11 months. This milestone not only showcases our continued commitment to investing in new products to meet market demand, but also our focus on investing in our development and production processes to bring the aircraft to market quickly without compromise.” The Longitude took off from the company’s east campus Beech Field Airport, piloted by experimental test pilots Ed Wenninger and Stuart Rogerson. During the two hour and two minute flight, the team tested the aircraft’s flaps, landing gear, pressurization systems, stability and control.

    For more information:

    Cessna Aircraft Company
    1 Cessna Blvd.
    Wichita, KS 67215

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