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News: First PC-12 NGX Delivered To Customers

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  1. Pilatus Hands Over First PC-12NGX To Customers
    At the end of May, Pilatus Aircraft announced that the first PC-12NGX deliveries had been made to customers. The NGX variant of the long-standing PC-12 from the Swiss airframer was announced at last year's edition of the National Business Aviation Association’s annual Convention and Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The latest iteration of the PC-12 will carry-on the longevity of the model. Up until recently over 1,750 PC-12s were produced since its introduction.
  2. The first delivery of the PC-12 NGX in the United States went to HP Inc. Director and former CEO, Dion Weisler. Through the Authorized Pilatus Sales and Service Centre Western Aircraft in Boise, Idaho, Weisler upgraded to the new model from his 2017 model year PC-12 NG, ordering his NGX as soon as Pilatus opened the order book last October. In Europe, the first PC-12 NGX delivery went to Dr. Ulrich Byszio in Germany. Dr. Byszio, a pilot with a passion for all forms of aviation, moved from a popular light jet to his new PC-12 NGX. “The PC-12 NGX is the perfect aircraft for my travels around Europe. The combination of its speed, fuel efficiency, comfort and safety record make it ideal for both corporations and owner-pilots like myself. The PC-12 remains one of the most popular fast turboprops in the industry.

    For more information:

    Pilatus Aircraft Ltd
    Stans, Switzerland

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