BAE To Provide Batteries For HS-30 Heart Aerospace is back in the news with an announcement that they are collaborating with BAE Systems for the development of their batteries for the HS-30 hybrid-electric aircraft. As a hybrid-electric aircraft batteries are an essential part of the make-up of the aircraft. The batteries will be installed in the bottom of the aircraft in a compartment beneath the fuselage as illustrated below.
Heart Aerospace is pinpointing that the power density of 330 Wh/kg as part of the propulsion system. That propulsion system will end up combining four battery-driven electric motors with a pair of unnamed turbogenerators. Hybrid-electric flights with up to 25 passengers could be in the range of 500 nautical miles in the future. An all-electric version would be much less, flying only around 125 nautical miles with similar loading. That is why many of the potential future customers of the HS-30 prefer the hybrid-electric option. For more information: Heart Aerospace Fredsflottiljens Väg 19, 417 46 Göteborg, Sweden ***