GE HF120 Completes 100% SAF Tests The GE HF120 powerplant that powers Honda Aircraft Company's HondaJet line has successfully concluded trials that involved the consumption of 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). In an aviation world that is growing ever more bent towards sustainability and environmental responsibility SAF is a huge step to meeting these goals. The SAF utilized in the tests was derived from a feedstock of plant-based used cooking oil, waste fats, and greases.
"We are excited to share one of the steps GE Honda Aero Engines is taking toward carbon neutrality based on our belief that reducing our impact on the environment is not just an initiative but an obligation," explained Shinji Tsukiyama, the powerplant manufacturer’s executive v-p. "In addition to HF120’s best-in-class fuel efficiency, future use of 100 percent SAF on HF120 will further contribute to environmental sustainability." The end-result was that the SAF gave very favourable results performing equally to that of conventional jet-A. Currently, the HF120 engine can operate on approved SAF blends up to 50%, and this successful test demonstrates the capability of the engine to run on 100% SAF. For more information: GE Honda Aero Engines, LLC. 2987 Tucker Street Burlington, NC 27215 ***