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News: Latest Update On BOOM Supersonic

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  1. Latest Update On BOOM Supersonic
    The latest update on BOOM Supersonic is concerned with the engine and engine manufacturer of the powerplant for the new Overture jet. In our last update we provided information on the demise of the relationship between Rolls Royce and BOOM which at the time was the powerplant provider for this supersonic jet. With Rolls Royce out of the picture, BOOM was left with no major engine manufacturer to provide engines for their forthcoming supersonic jet.
  2. News has emerged that BOOM will be developing 'their own engine'. This appears as a risky move but when none of the major OEMs aren't stepping forward to develop with you then the company has to take matters into its own hands. To this end, BOOM Supersonic announced that it has formed a team of engine designers, an additive manufacturer, and a turbine engine maintenance specialist to help develop the new Symphony engine that will power its Overture supersonic airliner. The announced team to develop this new powerplant include Florida Turbine Technologies (FTT), they will design the engine. GE Additive for consulting on additive manufacturing technology; and StandardAero for engine maintenance. These are the 3 main partners. FTT are no strangers to very high performance engines as they have experience with the powerplants powering the F-22 and F-35 supersonic military jets.

    For more information:

    BOOM Supersonic

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