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News: Wind-Tunnel Testing A Success For Cavorite X5 Hybrid eVTOL

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  1. Cavorite X5 Wind-Tunnel Testing A Success
    Horizon Aircraft have anno0unced that wind-tunnel testing on a 50% scale prototype of their Cavorite X5 eVTOL has been a success. The important tests took place at the world class ACE Climatic Wind-Tunnel facility. Brandon Robinson, CEO of Horizon Aircraft commented: "Aircraft performance exceeded our expectation. We explored forward speeds of up to almost 100 km/h, measuring aerodynamic forces, control authority, and mechanical system function with the wings open at varying fan speeds. We were particularly happy with pitch and roll stability and control throughout the entire transition envelope, as well as the embedded fan performance. Having real-world test results match our detailed predictions was further endorsement of our world class engineering. We can now use these results to refine our CFD modeling and further de-risk the outdoor transition flight test program that is beginning soon."
  2. Now that the prototype was a success at the indoor wind-tunnel, Horizon Aircraft will move to outdoor transition flight testing shortly as they continue the detailed design of their full-scale aircraft. As the process continues unhindered and successfully Horizon Aircraft is anticipating final assembly for flight testing in 2025. Eventually the full-scale hybrid-electric aircraft will be able to wisk 4 passengers and its pilot to distances over 250 miles. An empty ferry should see the aircraft fly above 625 miles. Useful payload in vertical take off mode is around 800 lbs but an estimated 1,400 lbs if using a runway for conventional takeoff.

    For more information:

    Horizon Aircraft, Inc.
    3187 Highway 35
    Lindsay, Ontario

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