Pink Breast Cancer King Air 350i Delivered To Wheels Up Charter membership-type company Wheels Up just took delivery of a one-of-a-kind King Air 350i turboprop. Of course Wheels Up has been taking delivery of King Airs for a while now, so what makes this one any different?'s Pink, yes it's a Pink Plane and actually that is it's informal nick name. Now you probably are catching on to the theme here, it is pink to bring further awareness to Breast Cancer. The aircraft is still in the Wheels Up livery just in a pink variant of it.
This particular King Air 350i is expected to fly with the Breast Cancer livery for a year. In addition to simply raising awareness of the Cancer type, Wheels Up is looking to donate money to Dubin Breast Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.“It’s a fly-a-thon, the same way you would do a walk-a-thon. So what we are going to do is go out to our members, and on an opt in basis, they will be able to sponsor the airplane”. Says Kenny Dichter, of Wheels Up. “We believe that we will raise over $1 million dollars in the 12 months with our first annual Wheels Up fly-a-thon.” Starting in October, Wheels Up members will be given the option of sponsoring the aircraft for each hour in the air. The company is expecting it to fly 600 – 800 hours over the course of the year. “We were pleased to hand over the keys to this one-of-a-kind, pink Beechcraft King Air 350i to Wheels Up. We applaud Kenny Dichter and everyone within the Wheels Up organization for their efforts to raise awareness for such a worthy cause.” said Scott Ernest, President and CEO, Textron Aviation. For more information: Beechcraft Corporation 9709 E. Central Avenue Wichita, KS 67206 ***